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In episode 45, Cate Richards – Founder of True Entrepreneur is back for part 2 of our marketing automation case study.
On the previous episode, we chat about her background, current approach, tagging structures and more. And now, she shares all her progress & actions taken since our last discussion. Cate is currently preparing on positioning her upcoming product.
We chat about:
- Progress of her marketing automation journey
- First marketing automation story
- How to attract more leads
- Lead magnet guidelines
- Induction sequences
- Email marketing content guidelines
- Tripwire offers
- What her next steps will be
- What she is expecting on her current marketing automation approach
If you want to give ActiveCampaign a try, you can set up a free trial account here.
If you have any questions or just need a tip from the ninjas, join us in the Automation Nation private Facebook group.
Links Mentioned In The Show
- ActiveCampaign
- Thrive Leads
- Episode 37 – Case Study Part 1
- Episode 02 – Thrive Leads with Shane Melaugh
- Episode 19 Ben Krueger Follow Up Sequence
- Automation Nation Facebook Group
- TrueEntrepreneur.com
Listening options:
- Subscribe via iTunes
- On Stitcher Radio
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Cate: You've got the kite, and you've got the thing laid out, and then you need the wind to blow to lift the kite. And once you've got it up in the air, then things will be that much easier because once it's got the momentum, it'll be flying.
Announcer: Welcome to the Active Marketer podcast where we talk about how to design, automate, and scale your business to the next level using sales and marketing automation. You can find out all the tips, tactics, and techniques you need to get more customers and sell more stuff over at theactivemarketer.com. Now here's your host, Barry Moore.
Barry: Welcome to episode 45 of the Active Marketer podcast. I'm your host Barry Moore, and this is the podcast where we talk about everything to do with sales funnels and marketing automation. This episode, we're going to continue on with our case study. Back in episode 37 we started with a case study with Cate from trueentrepreneur.com, and how you get started, you're going from zero, starting with a blank canvas, a new business. How do we implement marketing automation along the way to use these powerful tools and tactics and techniques to grow your business?
So if you want to go back and listen to episode 37, we talk specifically on how to get started. What's the list structure we should use? What kind of tags should we have? What's the strategy we should employ? All the foundations before we want to start taking the single email address. And you can find that back in episode 37.
So we're a few weeks on, and we're going to check back with Kate where she is. She's implemented like a champ, and now it's time to take it to the next step. What is our sales funnel look like? What does our opt in funnel look like? And where can we go now that we got the basics down and we're starting to gather some email addresses via a lead magnet giveaway.
So, we'll get into that interview shortly. But just before we do that a couple of things. We're going to do our shameless social proof segment. We're going to read out one of our review from iTunes. This week it's from the US store. It's five stars, and it's from Edward Haskins. Edward says “When a new episode is released, I stop what I'm doing and I hit play”. He goes on to say “My favourite podcast, as it covers a tonne of active campaign knowledge bombs. Just finished the recent episode with Chris Davis of Lead Pages fame. Great content on the single double opt-in methodology that Chris deploys”. And he goes on to say “The Todd Brown episodes were value packed as well. Ian Brodie's episode on creating an onboarding sequence, talking more on webinar specifics. Ezra Firestone with good advice in regards to e-commerce and post purchase follow up. Justin Brooke on his switch from HubSpot to Active Campaign. Shane Malach from Thrive. All great content. Excited to hear more.
Well, thank you so much Edward, I really do appreciate you taking time to leave review on iTunes. I know it's not exactly the easiest thing to do, and I also want to thank you for all your continued contribution in Automation Nation. So, Edward's one of the federal automators that we had inside our private Facebook group called ‘Automation Nation', and he's continually posting good information there. And we love to see you inside as well.
So if you head over to Facebook and you just type in automation Nation, you'll find our private Facebook group. Just hit apply or join, and let us know you heard about it on the podcast, we'll let you in and that is where you can get all the good guff from tonnes of other fellow automators just like you are putting this stuff to work in their business. So I hope to see you on the inside. In the meantime, let's get into the main part of this weeks episode. Part two of our case study with Cate Richards.
All right, exciting we're going to bring Cate back for part two of our case study. If you missed part one, you can go back and listen to episode number 37, but we're following Kate through her journey of getting up and running with marketing automations. She's an experienced entrepreneur, and knows her way around marketing and branding and sales, but she has never really taken a step into marketing automation before. So, we'll following her journey along, because I'm sure most of you out in the audience can relate as well. So welcome back Kate.
Cate: Oh great to be here Barry.
Barry: And just for the listeners out there, they can go back and listen to episode 37, which is part 1. But, maybe just a bit of a summary about what we talked about in part one, and where you're up to now.
Cate: Oh thank you. Well, just to explain to the listeners it sounds odd that this is my first foray into automation, but I have two businesses, and I have one that's large and thriving, but it's an inbound business. So people come to us and book. It's sort of a Google ad words business. So people search for us, they find us. So, with that business I've had to always optimise the conversion side of the business. Now, my new business True Entrepreneur, is an outbound business. So for the first time I'm kind of putting myself out there and drawing attention to what I do, and so it's quite a different business model. And so that's been just such a big journey for me.
Reviewing where we were up to … So I had always used Mail Chimp and I was happy with it, I found it very simple. I like to keep things simple because I'm not hugely tech savvy, so I find the learning curve quite taxing, I suppose would be the best way to describe it. So we talked about should I change across to one of the automation platforms that had a little bit more grunt, and we decided yes, that I should go with Active Campaign. And I have to say Barry, that decision has been a great one, because everywhere I go I'm seeing this particular tool rising and coming to the fore and haven't had a minute's thought “Should I have something else?”. So, thank you for that advice. So, I've been telling everyone to use it now. I'm sure it's not right for everybody, but it's been good for me.
Barry: Well that's good. I'm glad.
Cate: And also, yeah, we chose Thrive Leads as the email form side of things because I wanted a bit more design than the Active Campaign forms offered. Being a branding person obviously I have quite high levels or high standards for the design side of my websites. So, a little bit of learning curve there, but I think that was a great choice as well, because that all comes in a package and I also will have the option of using the Thrive content builder. Which people are raving about. So, again Barry, you were ahead of the curve, and that choice has been validated over and over in every group I'm in, people saying “That's the great combo”, so, thank you for that.
Barry: Well, that's great. I'm glad to hear that's working out for you. And I just want to lead back to one thing you said there about what the right tool is. I think people get a little bit too hung up about finding the exact right thing, when there isn't an exact right thing for everybody, right? There is no perfect tool for everyone in every circumstance. It's like when you walk into a hardware store, there's thousands of tools in there. Why? Why isn't there just one tool? Because there's a right tool for every job, and every budget. So, while Active Campaign may be right for you, and I think it is, and you seem to think it is, it's not right for everybody. So, I don't want to come of as one-eyed in recommending the same thing to everybody. There are other tools I recommend to other people depending on what circumstances they're in, but I think broadly speaking that combo of Active Campaign and Thrive Leads for the capture is a pretty powerful one. So hopefully that's panning out in your business exactly how we planned.
Cate: Well, it is, and I think the price is really good. I think where they have recognised is they want people to grow with them.
Barry: Okay, so in the previous part of the case study we talked a little bit about the basic framework you need to have in place before you start. So, we talked about a list structure and howto organise your list or lists. We've talked a little bit about tagging and how we're going to organise those people who end up on our list, and then finally we talked a little bit about lead capture, so how we going to get people on the list.
And if you want to find out more about Thrive Leads, you can go back to episode number two, where I talk to the creator of Thrive Leads, Shane Malach. We talk a little bit about that tool, why he created it and where he's going with it. And just as an aside as well, he recently switched from I think he was Infusionsoft over to Active Campaign himself for his business. So, he's using it as well. So, it's always good to know that the creator of the tool we like so much is actually using Active Campaign as well, because then you know the integration between those two things is going to be pretty tight.
Cate: Absolutely. And one thing that's probably … These are not things that I understood at all, Barry, but is Thrive Leads integrates at the tag level. So, there are a lot of other solutions with active campaign, where you can dictate “I'm going to put this person on my master list and then set of an automation sequence, etc”. But with Thrive Leads, in the actual form that you build, you can put your tags in there, and those tags automatically get passed across to the list. And that was a really big thing for me. Because the first email form that I chose didn't do that.
So, that was what necessitated a change. And it's been good. So, that was excellent thing to advise. But, one thing I did want to talk to you about, Barry, because I am in Automation Nation, which I personally think is the best Facebook group that I'm in. There are such amazing, smart people in there. But one of the things that I did is I didn't want a lot of friction, so when people fill in the form to get my lead magnet, which is the one page brand, which is going through all the segments and pieces of branding and getting it all very clear and concise. When they go through that, I have them land straight onto the page where they can start to consume the course. And now I'm a little bit concerned that maybe I should be actually using that page as just a thank you and maybe put a video on there talking about me and the business, and then on that page say “Head over to your email in five minutes and the link will be there”, and send them off to the email to consume the course via a link.
So, I'm just a little bit concerned about have I set that up the right way? And what do you think? Should I change that, or should I leave it how I've got it.
Barry: Alright, let's talk about that a little bit. First of all, there is no right way. I see this all the time every one's “What's the right way to do this? What's the right way to do that?” There is no right way, right? If there was one, single way that was right, everybody would be doing exactly the same thing. But, two things to say on that is one is, it's an evolution, right? You start where your skill set is and where your knowledge is, and as time progresses, you continually tweak and optimise that flow as you go along. So it's never going to … What it is today is not what it's going to be probably six months from now, and probably that's not what it is 12 months from now. So, it's a continuing process. There's no right way, and you're always tweaking and optimising and checking and planning.
So, but let's talk about that. So, you're exactly right. If you want super friction free like I just want to get this in front of people because I know that if they consume this piece of information, or this check list, or whatever I'm giving away, if they consume my lead magnet, I know they'll be hooked and there part of my gravity field then and they'll continue to come back and talk to me and consume my content. If you're that confident in your give away, then I don't really see a problem with going straight to that on the landing thank you page.
That also does another thing for you is, one if you do it that way that page becomes a goal conversion in Google analytics as well. So you can set that up to goal conversion so that you can see how many people have ended up on that thank you page, or that landing page where your content is and you can tell where they came from to arrive there. So, now there is other ways to do it. So that's the most friction free way, exactly right. Just, they opt in and they end up one the page where they can get the lead magnet.
A little bit more of a sophisticated way to do it might be to get the opt in. That takes them to a thank you page, which is a little bit more of a introduction to you and what you do, right? So I think you alluded to it there in a second, so that when they opt in for your one page brand, they end up on a thank you page, and there might be a little video of you saying “Hey, thank you very much for downloading our one page brand. I'm Cate from True Entrepreneur”, and a little bit of introduction to yourself and what you guys do at True Entrepreneur. Check your inbox in five minutes; you'll find the one page brand. In the meantime, where also going to send you a link to the training course where you can take an online course all about how you set this up.
So, you introducing yourself and that thank you page there, I'm going to call it intermediate thank you page. That intermediate thank you page there might also have some other offer to it, right? So, they've just agreed to go on a date with you because they've put their email address in.
So, let's try and take the next step, right? So there might be an additional offer on that thank you page, “Thank you for downloading. Oh, by the way, you might like this thing over here. Just check your inbox in five minutes and you might like this thing over here. So then when they get that email, there's a link to the PDF there, and there's also a link to another page where your online training is, right? So your free online course as well. So that takes them almost to a second thank you page.
The benefit of doing that is your not giving away all the content on that thank you page, so there is some sort of email validation that has to take place. So if they've put a fake email address in, even though it's still a single opt in, if they put a fake email address in, they're not going to get the good stuff, right? There not going to get there PDF, and they're not going to get the link to the free course. So, your building in some sort of … It's not really a double opt in, but some sort of check and balance there that they have to put in the real address to get the real info. And then you can also set up both of those pages as goal conversions. So there's goal conversions step one, which is somewhat opted in and then there's goal conversion step two, which is someone's consuming your course. And then you can add those to Google analytics, and you can have two goal tracking metrics. And you can see how many people go from the thank you page one to thank you page two, and you can see how many are dropping off in your analytics. Does that make sense?
Cate: It does. It makes a lot of sense. So, I guess to that intermediate thank you page that you talked about, this is where some people put what they call a tripwire offer, isn't it? Where you sell potentially a low price product or maybe you invite people to a webinar, or whatever it is that you do, you've got there full attention right at that point. And potentially that's the time to pitch something.
Barry: Yeah, exactly.
Cate: That turns them into a buyer. Yeah.
Barry: Yeah. So for those people who may not be familiar with that term tripwire, so, I think it was coined by Ryan Deiss or Perry Belcher or somebody that, it's basically, when you've got large volumes of traffic, you want to try and filter out who are the lookers from who are the bookers, right? So, you want to get someone to take a commitment or sometimes they call it a micro commitment, to someone who will pull out their credit card and give you $7 is very different to someone who's just there for a free download. So, you're using a low barrier entry, low cost product as a filter basically, to filter out those people who are most receptive, and those people who are willing to part with a little bit of money for whatever you might be selling. So if I can get someone to part with $5, $7, it's much easier to buy a $200 product, then someone who won't even part with $7.
So, those tripwire offers, you can put those there or you could, as you said, you could put a webinar offer there as well. Just something that going to draw them once, there on the outer circle of your world, right? They've just taken the very first step, which is to give you their email address. They've made that very first baby step into your world. You want to get them to take another step in a little bit further into your world. So, getting them on a webinar would be a great way to do that, or getting them to by a brand check. Maybe sell a $30 brand review or you just go look at their website really quickly, and go “this is messed up. This is messed up”. And you give them a little bit of a teaser to what you can do for them to help them sort out their brand.
Cate: Exactly. And this is the step that I still probably don't have an asset for that. But I'm thinking about it and I'm getting closer everyday. But, it's good. What I do have that I've been working on the last month almost solidly and very determinedly focused is a new product. A new core offer. So I'm very excited about that. I'm going to have that ready to unleash on the world in about the second week of January. So, yeah, very excited. Just doing some beta testing on that one, Barry, and it's all looking really good so far. So I'm excited about that. So the next couple of weeks I'm just going to build that funnel out. I kind of have bought this philosophy about the time to ask somebody for this micro commitment or this next step from taking your phone number, to asking you on a date, is right at that exact same point where they've first put up their hand and said “Show me what you've got”. So, I am buying that as a philosophy. I guess it's all just building and building isn't it?
One of my friends, our mutual friend, Alana, said to me the other day, Barry, `cause it's taking me longer than I guess … I don't really know what I expected, to be honest, but it's taking a little bit more time than I thought, and she said “You know, it's kind of like you gone down to the park with a kite, and you know, you've got the kite, and you've got the thing laid out, and then you kind of need the wind to blow to lift the kite. And once you've kind of got it up in the air, then things will be, you know, that much easier. Because once it's got the momentum, it will be flying”. And I thought that was a great analogy, and it helped me, because I'm just at that stage where a few more things have to fall into place and hopefully that big gust of wind will come and the kite will go up.
Barry: Yeah, and that brings up a good point. You talk about what's the right way to set up this funnel or this thank you page sequence or whatever. The “right way” is what you can do now. Right? So, if you don't the assets in place, you do this multi step thank you tripwire thing. Then you can't do it. But what you can do now is what you've done, and where you have the asset on the thank you page people can download. Right? So you at least you're not waiting. What I see everybody waiting til everything is perfect, right? Which it's never perfect, right?
So, speaking of side leads and Shane Law, he said “What good entrepreneurs do is take action uncomfortably quickly”. Right? So, how quickly can I keep moving forward? I'm not waiting `til everything's in place before I do something. So, as I said, it's an evolution. You start with your basic thank you page, then move on to a two page sequence, and then we might move onto a two page with a tripwire sequence. So it's an evolution, absolutely. And going back to your kite metaphor, you don't start letting out the string until the winds blowing, right? If the kite's still on the ground, there's no point in letting the string.
Cate: Yes, I feel like I'm just running with that string at the moment. And the kite hasn't started to lift, but I'm sure it will soon. I'm actually really pleased at the sort of level of people that are opting in, that are stumbling across me, because every day there seems to be two or three more people in, because I haven't really started any kind of paid traffic yet. It's all organic. So, I think that I'm happy with that for now. So, …
Barry: The other thing you think about that not too many people actually think about, and I got this tip from Russel Brunson when I was talking to him, is that lead magnet if you want to think about fishing, that lead magnet is bait, right? And that bait needs to be the right bait to catch the right fish. Or attract the right customers. So, he was talking about a story where he had this really generic lead magnet, and he was just getting all kinds of freebie seekers and stuff. So, he changed up his lead magnet to something that wouldn't make sense to people who weren't already a couple of steps into the journey he wanted to help them with. So, if you want to look at my case for example, the obvious lead magnet on my site might be The Beginner's Guide to Marketing Automation., but that's going to get a bunch of people who probably don't know anything about marketing automation. But the people …
Cate: Like me.
Barry: But the people I want to get is consulting clients, are people who have tried this stuff themselves, and have just come to the conclusion that either it's too hard for them, or they just don't want to do it, or they want someone to help them out. So, the lead magnet that I created was The Ultimate Guide to Tagging. Now, someone who's never been exposed to marketing automation, that won't even make sense. They won't even know what a guide to tagging is. But if you've tried to do it and you've tried to apply tags and make a tagging structure that makes sense in your business and you've come up short, that will make perfect sense to you. Right?
Cate: Yeah.
Barry: It makes perfect sense to the person who's tried it and is frustrated.
Cate: That's right. So it has an inherent filter in it.
Barry: Exactly right. So, if you want a better level of opt ins, then you might want to look at the lead magnet that you're putting there. So, if you're helping people on a ten step journey, you might want to attract the people who have already gone two steps, because they've already taken some action, but they haven't made the rest of the journey, rather than trying to get everybody at the very first step of the journey. Does that make sense?
Cate: Yeah, absolutely. That's really great advice actually, Barry. I'm going to think that through and have another look at this funnel that I'm about to build. So the other thing I've done on your advice is I've started my first automation. It's not very long yet. So I thought I might get your help to brainstorm some other things I could do.
So what I've got for the moment is I think about an hour after they go to the page with the course on it, which they go there directly at the moment. I send an email just introducing myself and saying “I'm here for any questions and I'd love to hear from you”, asking for feedback or whatnot.
And then I think I might be, I can't remember, maybe two days later, or a day or two days later I send out another one with some of my really good content which is had a great response, which is the goalpost about whether people should use their name as their brand, or whether they should find a business brand. It's not … As you or I say though, there's no right or wrong answer, but what I've done there is I've completely laid out a different reasons people would do one or the other and … Because when ever you're making these choices, you're actually ruling out some other things, and you need to understand when you make a decision, what options you're actually cutting off for yourself, and why you might want to do that. So, that piece of content's had some really good feedback and I think it's already helped quite a lot of people. So, that's the first one I lead off with.
And then I send another similar quite a strong piece of content another two or three days later. And I think it's just petering out a little bit there. And then of course the other thing I do is a fortnightly digest as a campaign that goes out to everybody on the list. So, obviously I've got work to do here, but I've started. I've started. So, glad I've started. As you said, I wasn't waiting for everything to be perfect. So, yeah, I thought I'd get your help. So what things have you seen that's worked really well for people in terms of induction sequence?
Barry: So a couple of things there. One is you've done a couple of things well, which is you want to go in and you want to find some of the best content on your blog or in your site that people connect with and mail that out to them as part of the sequencing. If you can't really think what that is then dive in to Google analytics or if you've got JetPack or some of those word press plug-ins will tell you what the most popular content on your blog or on your site is, and then you want to steer people to that, right? So they've just given you their email address. You want to wow them with your best stuff to keep them coming back, right? And as you said, there's no right answer here.
And thirdly, it doesn't necessarily have to be long. I get this “Oh, it's got to be 20 email sequences”. Well, does it need to be 20? Longer is not necessarily better. I think there comes a point the question becomes “How much value can I add in this indoctrination sequence or this introduction sequence to people?” That's what you really want to think. How much value can I add, and if I only have four or five emails that are valuable, and the rest are just fluff to make me feel better, that there's 20 in the sequence, then you're probably burning that new lead out with rubbish, right? I would much rather give it in four or five really great pieces of content, and then move them on to my nurture sequence or my broadcast emails then just keep them hanging around just because I want to feel better about having a long sequence.
So, there's lots of schools of thought here as to what goes into that sequence. And again, it's a ever evolving process. If listeners want to go back to episode 19, Ben Kruger from Authority Engine share his sequence there.
But, first thing I want to do is send that email out, deliver on what you promise, right? So, you've promised them a one page PDF, that needs to be the first thing that you deliver. And waiting five minutes, actually having a wait five minutes step in there, is not a bad thing. Especially if you can have that intermediate thank you page with a video of you on it, says “Hey, thank you very much for downloading. It should be in your box in about five minutes. In the meantime, watch this three minute video of me telling you how great I am and what we can do for you”, because if it hits their inbox straight away, they're just going to bounce off to their inbox. You're going to get some little Gmail notification that says “Ding! The emails here”, and they're going to bounce off your video and not watch your video. So, you want to I've them that five minute buffer to watch a video.
So then I send it out, then you might have one of those automation steps that says “Wait until they've opened it”, you can do it two stage wait in Active Campaign where it says “Wait for an action to happen up `til the maximum amount of time of x”. So you could say “Wait `til somebody opens that email, but wait a maximum of two days, right? If they don't open it within two days, then we're goin to send them another that says “Hey, Kate, I just want to make sure that you've got your one page brand thing.
So you're sending an email, maybe they just got really busy, maybe that email got swallowed up by a bunch of other ones that came in, or they had to run off to a meeting whatever, they never got back to opening it, at least you've given them the option now with that second email to go in and open it again. So your repeating the message and you're giving them a second opportunity. If they do open it then you can branch them off and skip that second email altogether. Then you probably want to hit them up with some of your best content, right? So, you might wait a day or two days and say “Hey, Kate, here from True Entrepreneur again , I just want to make sure … I just thought you might be interested in this article where we talk about how to structure your brand before you even put a pixel to the screen.”
So, and you might send them to that article about whether to create a brand based around their name, or based around a business name. Send them that article, maybe a little digest in there about what's in that article “Hey, here's a really great way for you to not make a mistake on day one of your business”. It's like “Oh, yeah, no I don't want to make a mistake on day one”. And that clicks them off to the article, right? So, use an open ended question there to get them to click, and then maybe some introduction to yourself “This is Kate. This is my story. This is why we do what we do, and here's a case study of some results we got for somebody else”.
So, you're sending them great content ,then you're reinforcing why you're the person that they need to come to for this. Some social proof for the case study, and then maybe two or three more emails after that showing them what the next step should be, right? So once you've sorted out whether it's going to be my brand or my name, okay what's the next step after that? The next step is this, the next step after that, so, I would reiterate the key points in your lead magnet as the follow up sequence, because just because someone's downloaded your lead magnet, you can't really assume that they've read it. A lot of times it just goes into the lead magnet folder never to be seen again. Cause people think they want to see it, but they don't have time to read it and then it never gets read and blah blah blah.
So at least you're reiterating the points, so if there's five points in your one page brand thing, or seven I
think you had, then you want seven emails reiterating each of those points. Does that make sense?
Cate: Right. Yeah, absolutely. That's great. Great advice. Thank you.
I'm interested in this idea of … I'm very much of the thing about solve a problem for somebody and talk about what they get. What they're outcome will be rather than talk about myself. It's a fine line isn't there? It's not … You've got to really pitch that right. You maybe warm people up before you start saying about how great you are.
Barry: For sure. I'm not saying you say how great you are. I'm just saying that you introduce yourself just like you would at … Say you're at a network function or a mixer or some sort of networking event. Someone walks up to you and I say “Hey, Kate. My name is Barry.” “My name's Kate.” And you wouldn't say how great you are. You would just say I have a branding business and we help entrepreneurs sort out their brand and build it to the next … Whatever that little cocktail party pitch is. Just who you are, why you're doing it, why you're passionate about it.
Cate: That's what I was going to say Barry, the why. That's where people connect, I think, by saying what has brought you to this. Because I do have that story of having another business that I built that I never felt very passionate about. Even though it's being successful, it wasn't where my heart was and the new business is where my heart is. I do have a good story around that and I certainly want that to be very much part of … Very integral to my brand and stuff. I think I probably will potentially make a video for my thank you page and test a couple of scripts there. And dare to get on camera, which I don't like.
Barry: I don't know if anybody really likes it. But you just …
Cate: No, I don't think anyone likes it. Do they … They don't like the sound of their voice, they don't like the look of themselves and stuff, so that's all a bit tricky.
Barry: Another great piece of advice I got from a mentor was, if you want to get good at something, be comfortable with sucking at it for awhile. You're never going to get better if you don't take the first step.
Cate: I was listening to a great podcast recently and the person made a … Something that really stuck with me. I can see this in my own life and in people around me, is the fact that when you come into something new and you're growing at it, your level of discernment of what's good and bad grows exponentially faster than your own capability of doing something. You keep noticing how far ahead other people that are doing it well are of you. You have to really bridge that gap and very consciously say as you just said Barry, I'm going to suck at this for awhile. But I can see where it is I want to go. That's such an easy thing to let yourself get held back on isn't it?
Barry: I want to go back to something you said about the introduction email and talking. I always seem to think people just seem to forget. Well one, people do business with people right? They want to know the person behind the business. And what would you do in the real world? That's what you should do with your email. If you were running a car company or retail store and someone walks into your shop or whatever, you would never just start selling them on stuff without introducing yourself first would you? You just wouldn't walk up to a stranger and go, “Hey, buy this thing.” You would introduce yourself. “Hi, welcome, how you doing? What are you after? Who are you? What's your story? Well, I want to introduce myself. My name's Barry. Here's what I do, what I specialise in.”
You would never do that in the real world, but people seem to want to do it online all the time. There's a great video, talking about Automation Nation that is our private Facebook group, so by all means join us over there. Go to Facebook and type in Automation Nation and say you want in and heard us on the podcast. But I posted a video there that cogin.com did about basically what it would look like if you used online tactics in a real store. They've got a real physical retail store and they're stopping people from walking in the door before they give them their email address. They're like, “No you can't come in this shop. Give me your email address. You've got to give me your email address. So, it's pretty …
Cate: He's a clever guy, Russ Lincoln.
Barry: So what would you do in the real world I say and try and mirror that online.
Cate: Absoultely. Well that's been fantastic. I'm ready for my next sequence, because I want to be sort of leading into ready to position my upcoming product that I'm going to have. So that's really exciting and I want to thank you again. I feel very supported through this process. I feel very fortunate that I have you to help me and actually all of the people in Automation Nation have been fantastic. It is a great group. If you're interested in this stuff, definitely pop in there and join. Thanks again Barry.
Barry: Thank you and we're doing this case study primarily so all those … The silent majority out there behind the podcast who's struggling with this stuff themselves can get value by following Kate's journey along. I want to thank Kate for being brave enough to put herself out there for the benefit of everyone else and by all means, please if you have any questions that we're not addressing in the case study that need addressed, just head over to the show notes, leave a comment below the show notes and we will answer your questions in there. I promise. All right Kate. I look forward to seeing what you create and getting you back on for the next part of the case study. I'm proud of the progress you're making.
Cate: Thanks. Hopefully, we can talk about my funnel and how it's performing next time. I'm excited about that.
Barry: That'll be great. Thanks Cate.
Thanks so much to Kate for coming on and sharing her journey on getting started and putting all this stuff we talk about into practise in her new business over at trueentrepreneur.com and if you want to get any of the information that we talked about on this week's episode, you can head over to the show notes at theactivemarketer.com/45 the number 4 5. Also I'd love it if you'd share this content if you're finding it valuable. If you think someone else that you know would find it useful as well, by all means share it out on your favourite social media profile. You'll find all the sharing links over on the show notes as well. If you're in Kate's shoes and you're starting to implement the stuff yourself, and you have questions or you're wondering where you should go next, head over to the show notes, leave us a comment down below in the comment section or join us over at Automation Nation, our private Facebook group.
We'll see you back next week for another episode. In the meantime, get out there and design, automate and scale your business to the next level, using sales and marketing automation. See you everyone.
Announcer: Thanks for listening to The Active Marketer Podcast. You can find the show notes and all the latest marketing automation news over at theactivemarketer.com.